Amrita Coaching Services

Empower Yourself, You Are More Powerful Than You Think

Discover the path to inner transformation and self-empowerment with our specialized mindset coaching and meditation services.

Life Coaching Services

Self-empowerment is the main focus of my life coaching services. I provide clients with tools to tap into the unlimited power within, overcoming limiting beliefs to create the life they desire. Transformation and raising one's vibrational frequency are at the core of my services. When you change your energy, you change your life.

Meditation Services

I teach meditation techniques to experience pure awareness and the Divine Intelligence within. Meditation fosters inner calm, resilience, and spiritual growth regardless of external circumstances. Breathing exercises and mindfulness are central to my teachings, drawing from my extensive travels and personal journey in India.

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About Amrita
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About Amrita

Empower Your Mind and Soul

I am a certified HeartMath coach as well as a meditation teacher with 25 years of combined experience in life coaching and teaching meditation. I provide services for inner transformation, self-development, and self-empowerment. I focus on empowering individuals to realize the unlimited potential within and how to access this potential to transform their lives, reach their goals, and create the life they want.

Transform your life by accessing your unlimited inner potential
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Our Specialties

How is life coaching helpful

Life coaching is helpful if you are seeking to improve, change, or transform your life. Anyone who feels stuck in life, but knows there's much more to life, can benefit from life coaching. Change and transformation can be achieved through modalities that transform one's thinking. We are what we think about. It's all in the mind. Change your thinking and your life changes. The external is only a manifestation of the inner. It's that simple.

Thoughts Are Powerful

Everytime you pick a thought, you are deciding your life. Choose your thoughts wisely.

You Are Incredibly Powerful

You have the power to change your life, you just need to tap into the unlimited power within.

Your Focus Shapes Your Future

Focus on possibilities; achieve amazing results in your endeavors.

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Sri Chakra

Awareness Shapes Destiny

What we put our awareness on and for how long shapes our destiny.

Changing Your Energy Changes Your Life

Raising your energy transforms your life and allows you to achieve your goals.

Master Your Energy

Mastering thoughts and emotions empowers; raise your frequency by positive thoughts and elevated emotions.

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Meditation Benefits

Discover the Power of Meditation

Meditation calms the mind and provides deep relaxation to the body. It reduces stress and anxiety, enhances clarity of mind, and offers numerous health benefits. Unlock your unlimited potential through heightened consciousness, spiritual progress, and Self-realization.

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